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In a country where—as Gastón Acurio said—ceviche is way more than a recipe, “it’s a way of life”, it’s pretty much a given that Peruvians take the dish pretty seriously. Javier Wong is arguably the top ceviche-maker in the country—some even call him the godfather of ceviche. He’s not only well-respected in the chef community, but also amongst serious ceviche eaters.
His “secret” (although he claims there’s no secret) is in the simplicity of the dish. It’s almost like a minimalistic ritual; you need the freshest possible fish (he only works with sole), Peruvian limes, onions, salt and pepper. And a lot of love to mix it with.
He only works out of his own small house in the working class neighborhood of La Victoria (hence the eatery’s name, Chez Wong), he doesn’t have a menu, and you have to call days in advance in order to get a spot. But if you want the real deal, he’s your guy. And now he’s going to show you how to do it yourself.
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
hes like the peruvian gordon ramsay.
I love this guy’s personality!
What a dick.
a chinese guy speaking spanish is seriously fucking with my head.
I’m a professional Peruvian Cuisine Chef and if you wanna try the best
ceviche recipe follow this steps: cut into small pieces Tilapia Fish, add
some red onions, coreander, salt, ajinomoto, 4 green lemons and 2 tea spoon
of tabasco to give an extra spicyness. Enjoy your Ceviche :)
Give this guy his own show! But no different recipes. Just come by once a
week and ask him over and over again how to make ceviche and what the
secret it. Now that I would watch.
He just doesn’t give a fuck.
Lmao that old guy is a dick. You make ceviche dude, calm your tits.
Ceviche is way more than a recipe, “it’s a way of life.”
he’s a very sassy chef
El mejor ceviche del mundo es el Piurano, Ah Chulucanas queda en Piura y
también el limón de San lorenzo y todo el valle del alto Piura y Chira..
chino huevón..
At 1:33 when he says the word “pendejo” he doesn’t mean the mexican meaning
of the word which is idiot. In Perú, “pendejo” is someone who takes
advantage of a situation, more like “smartass”. The way he says it is more
like a friendly way to say “dickhead”, like man-talk. Now at 2:22 when he
says “gringo huevón”, only then is when he means “idiot” because of the
word “huevón” which is peruvian slang for that.
Also at 0:11, “espeso” is not “thick”, it means “annoying”.
Hahaha I fucking love this guy #Maestro !!!
LMAO the Hunter S. Thompson of Ceviche bahahaha! What a spastic
personality… but hey genius borders on insanity. HAILS for another great
episode MUNCHIES!
Soy de Perú y me encanta el ceviche. He probado muchos tipos de ceviches en
cada una de las ciudades a las que he visitado del Perú, cada sitio tiene
una receta especial y diferente de la otra pero ninguno se compara al
ceviche costero, el de Chincha. Es la perfección hecha alimento. Realmente
ésta comida es una de las razones principales por las que muchos
extranjeros deberían visitar el Perú y por las que me encanta visitar
diferentes zonas de este bello país. A cada lugar a donde voy, siempre
tengo que probar el tipo de ceviche de esa zona. Ésta es una de las cosas
más maravillosas creadas por los antiguos esclavos del virreinato, mi
admiración eterna a esta gente por crear algo que ha sido increíblemente
bien recibido en todo el mundo durante siglos.
Javier wong , jajajaja de la puta madre!!! jajaajaj buenazo!! el mejor
LOL what a funny bastard xD