Chinese Fry Batter – Sweet and Sour Pork, Chicken and Honey Shrimp – PoorMansGourmet
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This Chinese Fry Batter is a World Class Secret. No more guessing ingredients and proportions. It’s as good as batters come and it can be used for so many different recipes; Sweet and Sour Chicken, Sweet and Sour Pork, Honey Shrimp, Orange Peel Chicken, Sesame Chicken. The list literally goes on and on. Also, check out this Firecracker Shrimp recipe I’ve listed below and this perfect Tempura Batter recipe if you’re interested in a thinner batter.
Firecracker Shrimp:
Tempura Fry Batter:
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If you need to look for a Fried Shrimp Recipe, or you want to know how to make Beef Wellington, King Crab or you want to know how to cook Clams; maybe you want to know how to cook asparagus in a pan or maybe you need a Swai fish recipe; well, this is the channel for you!
Thank you, now I can bring chinese fry batter for my chinese class party!