Pasta Recipe-How to Make Eggless Pasta
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Watch how to make fresh pasta from scratch. This recipe requires no eggs, just semolina flour, a little salt, and warm water. It’s easy!
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I made this pasta last night and it was a big hit!! Although lengthy for me because I don't have a pasta machine.. I made fettuccine pasta.. With red sauce and vegetables 🙂
Thank you for this amazing vegan pasta recipe <3
what's the shelf life of this pasta say if I dried it and put it in the freezer?
this is awesome recipe so easy and quick I bought manual pasta maker because of this video so much fun!
Southern Italians typically used an eggless pasta because it was easier to store and wouldn't spoil as quickly. In Northern Italy, with its cooler climate, they were better able to use and keep an egg pasta longer. Also, use an egg pasta when making ravioli, lasagna, canneloni, etc. as they require more "body."
Hey guys,
I only have durum wheat flour and I wanted to ask:
How much will my results vary?
Can this be used to make ravioli?
Thank you for the video.
Awesome recipe thanks a lot :)
I'm confused. What was the major benefit excluding egg?
this is like you are eating just semolina with water.It won't taste like pasta
Hi, Dhir Tee – Great idea! Yes, for lasagna noodles, use a knife or pizza cutter to cut the large pasta sheet into wide noodles. They'll be terrific!
can the dough be used to make lasagna sheets?
so far i tried using self raising flour combined with semolina flour with couple of eggs and salt in it. I try for sure after watching this. Thanks very much….
Can Brown Rice Flour be used?
Would this work with wheat flour?
hi…really helpful video…can you please tell me for lasagne sheets i'll roll them and cut them in sheets and after that boil them for lasagne right?…please answer me cause i've to make lasagne for first time.
thank you
If I were to pre-make it do I leave it at room temperature or on the refrigerator?