Learn how to make stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer in this free video series on quick, tasty recipes.
Expert: Marlene Spiegel
Contact: www.mspiegel.mywildtree.com
Bio: As a Founding Team Leader of Wildtree, Marlene Spiegel realizes the importance of healthy, nutritious products that can turn every meal into a gourmet feast in minutes.
Filmmaker: Suzie Vigoin
Video Rating: 2 / 5
presentation looks crap!!
too dry
EXPERTvilliage can you ever make a fucking video without having like a
million parts to watch. expert my ass.
” you almost really have to get your hands dirty ” ?? ALMOST ??? please
expertvillage, if you’re trying to educate us, please do it well. plus,
you’ve named yourselves ” EXPERT” .
O.o she creeps me out..
@giau1988 WOW. Uncalled for perhaps.
you suck at helping go kill your self hoe
I like it ; simple easy; you made me laugh out loud; I want to know more..
Wow a simple put this in for ___mins at ___oC would suffice…and no
demonstration wouldnt be needed **rolls eyes**